Your partner for AI Technology
Looking for AI Solutions?
We focus on creation and market distribution of Artificial Intelligence based systems that enhance safety
PAISA Technology (PTY) Ltd focuses on creation and market distribution of Artificial Intelligence based systems that enhance safety in a workplace especially where trackless equipment is utilised. Our products are tested and compliant with the latest DMRe regulations as well as EMESRT requirements. This ensures that products are safe to use and cause minimal interference to other products as well as is able to withstand interference from other products.
We have a highly qualified and experienced team of designers, technicians and engineers. Our ongoing investment in research and development allows us to design and manufacture all of our products in-house. All of our products are designed in-house and allow us to rapidly respond to client-specific requirements.
PAISA Technology (PTY) Ltd is a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS). CAS is an integrated risk management system for mining vehicles that provides mitigating alerts and interventions from collision scenarios. Virtual Operations is a remote monitoring platform that allows control room monitors the benefit of real time data from the CAS systems, as well as other driver behaviour information.